Monday, November 3, 2008

葉 慶 崇 先 生 夫人後裔 Honoring Beverley Yeh ( 葉吳玉英)

葉 慶 崇 先 生 夫人後裔
Mr. And Mrs. Ching Chung Yeh Descendants Family Honoring

Beverley Yeh ( 葉吳玉英)

With deep appreciation
For Her Support and Assistance to Our Family Members since 1953

Beverley first met Paul in 1951 in Toronto. They got married on May 15, 1953 at Calvin Presbyterian Church, Toronto.

Their daughter Elaine was born in Toronto, sons Paul Edmond and Richard Alvin were born in Guelph, Ontario. Son Ronald was born in New Brunswick, N. J.

Beverley helped Paul to sponsor Jean’s whole family to the United States.

Assisted Pei Family to settle down in the United States,

They supported family members including:
Yueh-Di, Chen, Pei, Jean and her family members,
and Pei‘s son I-Li in China.

Beverley’s contribution to family is deeply Appreciated.

Hats off to Beverley

Presented at Mr. And Mrs. Ching Chung Yeh (葉 慶 崇 先生 夫人)
Descendants Family Reunion
to Beverley Yeh ( 葉吳玉英)

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
August 5, 2006

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