Tuesday, November 4, 2008

葉 慶 崇 先 生 夫人後裔 Honoring Martha Yeh ( 葉瑪莎)

葉 慶 崇 先 生 夫人後裔
Mr. And Mrs. Ching Chung Yeh Descendants Family Honoring
Martha Yeh ( 葉瑪莎)

With deep appreciation
For Her Support and Assistance to Our Family Members since 1971

Martha first met Pei in 1971 in Buffalo. They got married on March 6, 1973 in Buffalo, New York. Their daughter Joanne, sons Thomas and Steven reunited with them in November, 1973 and son Joseph joined the family in 1975.

In November, 1971 Martha took Jean's daughter Lena to her home and
supported her through college.

Martha supported Pei to raise their four wonderful children
and put three of them through college.

Pei and Martha supported Jean’s daughters Lena and Lily for a number of years.

Martha’s contribution to family is deeply Appreciated.

Hats off to Martha

Presented at Mr. And Mrs. Ching Chung Yeh (葉 慶 崇 先 生 夫人)
Descendants Family Reunion to Martha Yeh ( 葉瑪莎)

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
August 5, 2006

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